Monday, October 6, 2014

How Tug-of-War Helps Your Pitbull Puppy Develop

When people see pitbull puppies for sale they often aren't sure whether games like tug of war is a good idea or not because it encourages the dog to be aggressive and use their teeth. However, playing tug with your pitbull puppy can be one of the best ways to help them learn to be obedient and gentle. In fact, it can improve their behavior dramatically.

Some benefits of playing tug with your pitbull puppy include:

1.  Channeling their energy – Every pitbull has a hunter instinct and pitbull puppies in particular are eager to engage that instinct to chase, grab and wrestle. Games like tug of war are a way to let them play the part of the predator in a safe way. It allows them to work out their energy in an appropriate manner. Dogs that don't get enough physical activity and mental stimulation are unhappy dogs. By playing tug with your bull pup you give them an outlet and they will truly enjoy it.

2.  Teaching them obedience – There are lots of games you can play with your pitbull puppy, and most involve some level of obedience. Throwing a ball, for example, can teach them the fetch command. However, few games involve a moment where your puppy has to listen to authority and be obedient even when fully caught up in their animal instincts. When playing tug, you can order your dog to drop the tug toy. They will slowly learn to listen to you even when distracted by something exciting, which is a valuable lesson.

3.  Protecting your home – For dogs that don't get enough stimulation, they are more likely to chew, shred or knock over other items in the house. Play tug with your dog often so they don't go looking to play predator with your shoes, pillow or something more valuable in your home.

The hardest part of tug for many owners is getting the dog to let go of the toy when commanded. That's because many owners are saying one thing with their mouth and another thing with their body. If you're still trying to pull the toy away while ordering your pitbull to drop it, it looks like you're still playing tug and they get  a mixed message. Instead, try letting your arm go totally limp. Hold onto the toy but stop struggling when you say "Drop it" and don't move again until they let go. Once they obey, praise them and then go back to playing. They'll get the message.

What are some of your favorite games to play with your pitbull puppy?

Monday, September 29, 2014

Toys that Make Your Pitbull Puppy Think

Pitbulls are best known for their physical strength and unique, adorable faces. However, pitbulls aren't just strong, they're also smart. In fact, this breed of dog loves mental challenges and adapts quickly to training, new games and puzzles. Pitbull puppies can be some of the most inquisitive and thoughtful dogs you'll ever raise.

Unfortunately, many puppy toys don't take advantage of the intelligence that pitbull puppies and other puppies exhibit. Balls and chew toys can be fun, but don't present a mental challenge to pitbulls. This can be a missed opportunity because mental exercise is not only fun and engaging for your puppy, it also requires more of their energy than exercise that is physical only, helping them work out that energy in constructive ways rather than looking for trouble around the house.

One solution that many pitbull owners have discovered is a newer type of toy known as a work-to-eat toy. It does exactly what the name implies: makes dogs work in new and creative ways in order to get a treat or a little bit of food.

There are two main types of work-to-eat toys. The first and most common is essentially a food dispenser that turns getting food into a game. Typically, these toys are filled with a small scoop or handful of regular dry dog food. Small holes in the toy allow the food to fall out a piece or two at a time, but only when the toy is turned a certain way, shaken or otherwise manipulated. This allows your pitbull puppy to spend a long period of time playing to get a relatively small amount of food, with the bonus that they can work to figure out the most effective way to access it.

The other kind of work-to-eat toy uses a single treat or bone as a reward, and requires a little more thinking to get to it. Often these toys have unusual shapes and may be capable of bouncing and rolling to keep your dog guessing. Pitbulls can smell the treat inside and will work tirelessly until they figure out the solution. For most dogs this provides endless entertainment: even when they've figured it out once, the next time will still take some work to solve it again.

These toys have many advantages for pitbull puppies. First, they are more of a challenge than traditional toys and offer built-in rewards. Secondly, they will keep your pitbull occupied for hours. And finally, you will see that your puppy gets a lot of that youthful energy worked out appropriately rather than chewing things in your house.

What kinds of toys do you prefer for your pitbull?

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Quick Guide for Making Your New Dog Happy at Home

Is there anything better than coming home after a long day of work or school and getting greeted by your excited dog? If you agree, you aren't the only American that thinks so. The American Veterinary Medical Association did a survey on pet ownership in the country. They found that 36.5% of the people they surveyed owned a dog – that amounts to about 43.3 million dogs in the country!

If you've been looking at pitbulls for sale because you're ready to have a new dog for the family, you'll need to be properly prepared. Having water, food, and a comfortable bed is a nice start, but if you want your pup to get used to its surroundings you'll need to do more than that. If you want your dog and family to live happily, make sure to read up on these tips from Iron King Kennels before you bring your dog home.

Make a quiet corner

When your dog comes home to meet your family, it's going to be getting used to a lot of new people, sights, and smells. It can be very exciting and fun for them, but it can also be over-stimulating and overwhelming. Determine where you believe your dog will spend most of their time, and designate that as the quiet corner. It should (ideally) be located in a traffic-free spot away from things, and should have some comfortable blankets or a bed for your dog to nap on. When it seems like they're getting a bit too listless or a little cranky, take them to their special place and let them relax.

Learn about their usual schedule

Sometimes, the easiest transition to a new home involves being reminded of the old home for a bit. Be sure to learn when the dog was usually fed and walked, and try to keep with that schedule as much as possible. If you need to adjust that, ease them into your schedule after the first week. They'll get used to it with a small amount of time and patience.

Start training

After you've gotten the all-clear from your vet on vaccinations, it's time to start training your dog. If you're a previous dog owner you may think you already know how to train this dog, but it's always helpful to brush up on your skills. You could learn newer and more effective methods for training, and can start socializing them with other dogs at the same time.

Be patient

Your dog may not be as playful or as friendly as you originally imagined, but you need to keep in mind that the first few weeks are an adjustment period for your dog. They're trying their best to get used to a new environment, and many trainers and seasoned owners think that you really see a dog's true personality emerge after the first few weeks. After a few weeks of care, love, and play, you'll be amazed at happy and friendly your dog can be!

If you need to know more about how to prepare for your newest family member, call or contact us at Iron King Kennels today!

Friday, September 12, 2014

3 Completely Untrue "Facts" about Pitbulls

When you hear the word "pitbull," what do you think of (aside from the popular singer Pitbull)? Some people may think about a beloved pitbull that they know, but far too many others usually think about violent attacks. There have been way too many sensationalized stories about pitbulls in the news, but they often fail to mention a lot of important facts about the incidents. A lot of the dogs in these reports weren't raised correctly, or were raised in abusive environments. They also neglect to mention the possibility some of these "violent" dogs have for rehabilitation, and how they can thrive in loving environments.

At Iron King Kennels, we are here to dispel some of the myths about these wonderful dogs! Before you make up your mind about one of America's most misunderstood breeds, make sure you don't take any of these pitbull myths as fact.

Myth: Pitbulls can't be around other dogs/children

Some people think that pitbulls can't be around other dogs or kids because the breed is too violent to be social. Like any other dog breed, pitbulls can be very social animals. Many trainers and breeders recommend that pitbull puppies get properly socialized and trained when they're young so that they can get along with other animals. This recommendation isn't limited to pitbulls, either – every dog breed can benefit from learning how to properly socialize when they're young. Parents should exercise caution when introducing any dogs to their children, but with proper training your pitbull will be social and agreeable. 

Myth: Pitbulls have unusually strong jaws

Almost every alarming news story about pitbulls will usually mention the "fact" that pitbulls have stronger jaws than other breeds, and even have the ability to lock onto their bite victims to cause even more damage and discomfort. Pitbulls don't have some kind of magical and ultra-powerful jaw, and they certainly can't lock their jaws in an inescapable bite. In terms of bite strength, the pitbull doesn't even rank in the top three.

Myth: Pitbulls have always been seen as violent and aggressive dogs

Some people base their pitbull prejudices on the "fact" that pitbulls have historically been a troublesome breed, but that couldn't be any further from the truth. Back in the day, Americans couldn't get enough of pitbulls, and regarded them as great family dogs and even heroes who fought bravely in WWI. They were one of the most popular breeds, and for good reason. Pitbulls could protect property, livestock, and your family, all while being a lovable and loyal dog. Anti-pitbull sentiment has recently grown thanks to sensationalized media stories, and has little basis in history or fact.

For more information about pitbulls and their behavior, contact us at Iron King Kennels. We'll be happy to answer your questions!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Top 3 Common Misconceptions about Pit Bulls

We have all had our times where we believed that pit bulls were vicious and terrifying creatures. Some of us believe that pit bulls are ready to attack at any time. Let’s put it this way: there are two different schools of thought on pit bulls. One thought is that pit bulls are wicked, dangerous and that they should be banned. The other side believes that pit bulls are wonderful, loving and safe dogs that are here to provide us with warmth and love, as well as being an excellent addition to the family.

Below are three common misconceptions about pit bulls which ought to be demystified. After all, these dogs are truly one of a kind; in fact, you could go as far as to say irreplaceable.

Misconception One: Pit Bulls Are Inherently “Bad”
This is absolutely 100% a myth. Pit bulls are as bad as you want them to be. After all, they are dogs; if you train them to fight, growl, or even bite other dogs or humans then they will respond. However, if you train your dog the way you would, say, train a puppy without encouraging violence, then you will have a loyal companion who will make you proud.

Misconception Two: Pit Bulls Love to Fight, But Not to Love
This common misconception about the pit bull breed is absolutely incorrect. Although it has been proven—time and time again—that pit bulls make outstanding fighters, many people are under the impression that they are meant to do this, instead of actually being a loving protector of the household. In all reality, pit bulls love spending time with humans and enjoy human interaction whenever they can get it. After all, pit bulls are the most loving and friendly dogs out there, and this can be proven if you go to visit one who is up for adoption. Of course, it would be best to not look for a pit bull that has had an abused past; in this case, they might not be trusting of humans, but this is true for all abused animals. Also, pit bulls give more kisses than any other dog, so this is perfect for anyone who wants to know that they are loved by their loyal companion.

Misconception Three: Pit Bulls Are Always Bad Behaved and Should Not be Trusted
The truth is; pit bulls are fiery characters that have a ton of both energy and motivation. Unfortunately, this means you are going to have to give your pit bull a lot of attention and exercise. Redirect their energy in positive ways and you will have your pit bull at his or her best behavior. They do require training, but that is something easy to come across; this is a good thing though since this wonderful breed is highly trainable. They are one of the most trainable of dogs around.

After reading this, you might as well consider pitbulls for sale since they are not the dangerous breed most believe to be. So, look away! Your pit bull will bring you more joy than you would have ever believed previously.

Monday, July 21, 2014

How to Raise Your Pitbull Puppy

There is nothing quite like having a dog in your home or your apartment, especially if it is a brand new and super energetic puppy. Puppies are known by many to be super adorable, and they will uplift your spirit with their playful, entertaining, and joyful nature. It is almost as though they know how to make you happy when you are at your lowest.

Pitbull puppies are no exception from this rule. This lovely and sweet breed is one of the best to have as a puppy. In fact, the pitbull breed is completely misunderstood. One of the most common misconceptions that pitbull puppies or pitbull dogs is that they are violent, aggressive, and that they like to fight. This is an inaccurate misbelief. Pitbulls actually adore people and are truly kind. It is not a difficult task to raise an adorable pitbull, especially even with children. They are an excellent and loving addition to your family; in fact, at one point in history, pitbulls were known as nanny dogs so that they could watch over children when they child’s parents were out. They were a trusted resource for this purpose.

With history aside, raising your pitbull puppy is a going to be quite a worthwhile adventure. One of the first things you will have to do when it comes to raising a pitbull is inform everyone that you love or are good friends with that you are going to adopt this breed. Inform them of the myths and prejudices that come along with a pitbull and debunk this myth. They will see soon enough that your puppy is no threat to them once it grows up and is the sweetest dog in the neighborhood.

After you have done this, make sure that you have a nice living situation for you pitbull. Ensure that he or she has a cage (if necessary) and a nice little bed. You will also want to take your pitbull out for many walks. These little puppies are energetic and love to take in the fresh air.

Pitbulls are very intelligent. This means that they get bored fairly easily. In this case, you are going to want to be as entertaining as possible. Ensure to purchase them toys, such as tennis balls, squeaky toys, and stuffed dog toys.

Having a pitbull is a true blessing; these loyal companions will never let you down. They are cute, sweet, kind, and will always look out for you and your children.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

3 Common Misconceptions about Pit Bulls

For many years throughout history—sometime around the late 1800’s and into the early 1900’s—pit bulls were known as “nanny dogs” because of how kind and protective they were of children. As a matter of fact, these nanny dogs were often used as babysitters, believe it or not. During this time, many parents adopted a pit bull to keep their children safe. Remember The Little Rascals, which was a movie based off of Hal Roach’s Our Gang, a series of short films which originated in the 1920s? Well, it is no surprise that Petey, their beloved dog and companion, was indeed a pit bull. 

Nowadays, pit bulls have a bit of a rough and often misunderstood reputation. In fact, there are quite a few misconceptions about the beloved pit bull. Here are just a few: 

1. Pit bulls are bad dogs.
This misconception is very common, especially these days. However, what a lot of people do not realize is that pit bulls react to their world the way that they are bred and trained. As long as you do not teach and train your pit bull to fight other dogs, you are absolutely in the clear. 

2. Pit bulls are designed to fight.
This is untrue. It truly depends on how you train your pit bull puppy. Pit bulls—in one word—are loyal. They respect their owners and their desires. If you raise your pit bull correctly, he or she can grow up to be the most loving, loyal, and truthful companion of all time. 

3. Pit bulls are aggressive.
This is a very common misconception. Pit bulls—when raised correctly and treated with love, care, and warmth—can grow to be the best dogs you could ever imagine having. It does not matter what the rumors and harsh words that you have heard about pit bulls are; the truth is, they can be the absolute best pet you have ever adopted. (The key phrase here is that you need to treat him or her right, and he or she will do the same.) 

When you learn the truth about pit bulls, it is hard not to want to adopt one. They are people loving pets who adore their owners. If you are looking for pitbulls for sale, then you should definitely do some research on finding these amazing creatures so that you could own one, love one, and watch them as they grow.  

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

5 Reasons Why You Should Adopt a Pit Bull

If you have been looking to adopt a pet, there are multiple options out there: birds, fish, cats, dogs, and even more. When it comes to dogs, there are many different breeds, but pitbulls are quite an excellent option that can—according to your personality and taste—outshine the others. Pitbulls are an often misunderstood breed. A lot of us know them as being fierce, fighting beasts, but the truth is that they are only taught to be that way by their owners; they are not inherently born as such. In fact, pit bulls are very sweet and loving creatures. Here are five reasons why you should look into adopting a pitbull. 

1. Pitbulls are very friendly with people and absolutely love to be with humans. In fact, pitbulls are very affectionate, especially towards humans. They will be delighted to see you as soon as you get home from work or school, and will wag their tail happily once they know that you are officially at your house. Expect a smooch or two as well when they see you again! 

2. If you are looking for a dog that can entertain, a pitbull is the pup for you. Pitbulls are known for being playful and love to make their owners laugh. This entertaining quality stays up until their elderly years. 

3. Pitbulls are the best at cuddling. If you have ever wished that you had a real-life teddy bear (only one that is a little larger), then a pitbull is the answer for your pet-decision process. Pitbulls love to lay with you on the couch or on your bed. 

4. Pitbulls are great with children. They are strong and have a very high tolerance for pain, which is why they are good with children. This might sound strange, but sometimes children can unknowingly hurt animals (since they simply do not know any better) but pitbulls can handle it. Plus, they love humans anyway, so they are willing to rough it up once in a while. 

5. If you are athletic, you will be overjoyed to find out that pitbulls are very motivated dogs. They can inspire you to go out and engage in your daily exercise techniques, helping you to get through your rigorous routine. 

These are only five out of at least a million reasons to adopt a pitbull. If you find pitbulls for sale around your area, then it would be a great idea to adopt one, especially if any of these five reasons appeal to you.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

5 Signs of Good Pitbull Breeders

There are lots of blue pitbull breeders out there, and for good reason: more and more people fall in love with pitbulls every year and the blue pitbull is one of the most elegant, attractive, and beloved varieties. However, not all pitbull breeders are the same or will produce the same quality of dog. Here is what to look for in the best blue pitbull breeders, according to the well-respected Iron King Kennels:

1.  They are dedicated to pitbulls – Obviously, most dog professionals love all kinds of dogs, but a breeder should have one or several specific breeds they focus their time and attention on. This allows them to become more deeply familiar with all the quirks and idiosyncrasies of that breed and, thus, deliver better care, training, and owner education. The best blue pitbull breeders are pitbull aficionados who likely raise several varieties of pitbull (not just blue), but not other kinds of dogs.

2.  They do this full time – If you have heard the term "backyard breeder," you know it has a bad connotation in professional circles. In one sense, this may seem unfair, since every blue pitbull breeder has to start somewhere and they're usually casual owners before they are breeders. But when an individual makes a choice to become a breeder, they are committing to providing full-time professional quality care to blue pitbull puppies (and mothers) during their most vulnerable time. Breeders who have a day job and spend a few hours with their bulls in the evening cannot provide this level of care. Always look for professional blue pitbull breeders who have invested in their business and work with the dogs full time.

3.  Lots of outdoor space – A growing dog cannot develop properly without lots of outdoor space! This shouldn't just be the free run of a yard – it should involve a large open space where there are plenty of new things they can explore, discover, and interact with: plants, bugs, other dogs, small animals, and so on. The best blue pitbull breeders have acres of fenced outdoor space and let the bull puppies get plenty of time outside each day.

4.  They teach you about the breed – How knowledgeable and friendly are your blue pitbull breeders? Experienced breeders have years' worth of wisdom about how to raise, train, and care for blue pitbulls and they should be happy—even enthusiastic—to share it.

5.  Never too young! – Good breeders know that a blue pitbull puppy cannot leave its mother or change homes before 10 weeks of age.

What do you look for in blue pitbull breeders? You'll find it best by talking to us at Iron King Kennels. Our experience and enthusiasm, not to mention our good record of producing temperate and beautiful dogs, will convince you to choose us when you are ready to get a pitbull. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

Everything You Need to Know about Blue Pitbull Puppies

Are you in love with blue pitbulls? It can be tempting to get one as soon as you find blue pitbull puppies for sale; however, getting any kind of pet is going to be a transition, and getting blue pitbulls requires some extra thought. Knowing what to look for in terms of the dog and breeder, as well as how you'll need to train your new pet is crucial. Here is some essential information that we at Iron King Kennels really think you need to know:

The breeder makes a difference

Everything a pitbull puppy learns in its first few months either comes from its mother or from its breeder. That means breeders have a huge impact on not only the health, but also the future behavior of a bull. When someone is offering blue pitbull puppies for sale, you should find out whether they are a professional breeder, whether they work with their dogs full time or just as a side gig, how they treat the dogs, and how much outdoor space and time the animals have.

Blue pitbull puppies have their own quirks and personalities

All pitbulls share certain characteristics and that includes blue pitbull puppies. Pitbulls as a breed are unfairly known for a fast temper and aggressive behavior, but this is a myth that stems from a long history of mistreated pitbulls. The reality is that pitbulls are strong, but gentle dogs who, if properly trained, are as safe as any other breed. Blue pitbull puppies have their own take on the bull personality, and are known for being extremely intelligent and lively. Sometimes, blue pitbull puppies can come across as a bit jumpy, but this goes hand in hand with their adventurous natures and their great curiosity about the world around them.

Blue pitbulls should never be taken from their mothers too early

If a puppy is less than ten weeks old, it's too young to be taken from its mother! We know that when people set out to adopt a dog, they can't wait to get their baby bull home, but a breeder should never let them go before ten weeks. They need this time to learn key personality traits from their mother, and to feel safe and comfortable in the world. If they are taken too early, it can lead to temperament issues later.

Puppies should be introduced to other creatures

During puppyhood, it's a great idea to introduce baby pitbulls to other animals like cats. The best way to do this is to let the two animals see each other without physical contact first, then let them interact together later with supervision. This is also a good way to introduce your puppy to children.

Praise and rewards are the best training

Discipline is key to raising a well-behaved pitbull puppy, but hitting is not the way to do it! The best training is to show pitbulls what you want them to do and then reward them with praise and treats when they succeed.

If you are interested in taking home one of our delightful blue pitbull puppies, call or contact us at Iron King Kennels today! We can give you all the information you need to become the responsible owner of a loving pet. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

What to Look for In Blue Pitbull Puppies

If you love blue pitbulls, you are not alone. Pitbulls are popular, and blues are among the most popular of all. But when you see an ad for blue pitbull puppies for sale, it can be hard to know whether you should trust the seller. Thinking of adopting? At Iron King Kennels, we want all of our customer experiences to be good ones that lead to long relationships. To that end, we have provided the following recommendations so that you can get the right companion the first time and not take any chances with dicey so-called "breeders." 

Here's what to look for in blue pitbulls:

1.  They're from a reputable breeder – Not all breeders are created equal. Everyone knows that blue pitbulls have a devoted following and that means that anyone with a couple of blue pitbulls might try to make money advertising the puppies. But going to a professional breeder makes a real difference. Professional breeders give more time and attention to the dogs and can account for how they are treated, trained, and raised. Amateur breeders are more likely to keep the bulls in kennels for most of the day (while they're gone at their day job), may give them lower quality or undocumented care, and in some cases may not even be selling real blue pitbulls. Trust the professionals.

2.  The breeder specializes in blue nosed bulls – Like any variety of dogs, blue nosed pitbulls have their own distinct personality traits and quirks. Of course they have many similarities to other pitbull types, but they also have some subtle differences. If it's possible, focus your search on experienced breeders who specialize in blue pitbulls. These breeders will know more about how to take care of young blues to ensure the best-trained adults with the easiest temperaments.

3.  No early adoptions – It's understandable that you want to get your puppy home as soon as possible, but a reliable breeder will not let blue pitbull puppies go home before 10 weeks of age. These early weeks are crucial for mental and emotional development. A dog that is taken away from familiar surroundings and faces too early can develop lifelong behavior tics that are hard to cope with. Professional breeders understand this and will not let the puppies go early.

4.  The puppies are introduced to a variety of experiences – The most well-adjusted blue pitbull puppies will be gradually introduced and acclimated to a variety of other creatures and experiences including children, cats, babies, and other forms of stimulation they're likely to encounter in their future homes. The best pitbull owners focus on giving young puppies these experiences to prepare them, before putting blue pitbull puppies up for sale.

By choosing the best puppies from a responsible and knowledgeable breeder like Iron King Kennels, you can ensure that your pet is healthy, happy, and ready for their new home. Remember, you should always ask questions about the dogs you are considering and the breeders you are getting them from, so please call us at: 1-352-857-9007. We would love to talk to you!