Over the past few years, pitbulls have gotten a bad and completely false
reputation for being a violent and difficult breed to train. But as more pitbull
advocacy groups have been educating others on the truth, more people are
starting to accept them again. Pitbulls are becoming more popular in the United
States, and there are plenty of people that are looking for a sweet pitbull
puppy or dog as a pet.
Picking a pet is like a making any other major purchase; you need to make
an informed decision in order to ensure a companion that you'll be happy with. Some
people simply see pitbulls for sale and pick out the first dog
they think is cute, but judging your potential pet on cuteness alone can lead
to problems in the future. If you want a loving and healthy pet, look for these
traits when you pick out your pitbull:
There's nothing more heartbreaking than adopting a pet, and then
realizing that it has a dangerous and difficult medical problem. You don't need
to be a trained vet to see signs of health and vigor in a dog, and there are a
few telltale signs of health problems that are easy to spot. The dog or puppy's
eyes should be clear and clean, they shouldn't look bloodshot, yellow, runny,
or very crusty. Their coat should look shiny, and have no missing patches of
fur or sores (those can be signs of mange, fleas or other skin problems). Look at
their stomachs for signs of extreme swollenness. A little pot belly or some
chubbiness is normal on a puppy or dog, but an abnormally large stomach can be
a sign of worms.
Judging a dog's usual disposition can be a little tricky. When dogs see
potential owners they can get very excited and act a little more rambunctious
than usual, so you shouldn't view this enthusiasm as a sign that your dog is
going to be constantly bursting with energy. In fact, a happy and excited dog
is a good sign that you've picked a pooch that will love spending time with you
and your family. What you should look out for are signs of abnormal aggression.
A dog that cowers in a corner may be a little shy, but a dog that immediately
snaps at you or growls may be too aggressive for your tastes.
Making sure that your chosen dog appears healthy when you see them is
easy, but finding out about past health issues that could lead to future
problems may require a little digging. Ask if the dog you're interested in has
had any past health or dental problems that you should know about. A little
infection or cold isn't much to worry about, but if you notice recurring
symptoms and visits to the vet, that could be a sign that a dog is prone to
certain problems. Also, find out what vaccinations they have already had, and
arrange to get them caught up on anything they may need as soon as you adopt