Tuesday, July 15, 2014

5 Reasons Why You Should Adopt a Pit Bull

If you have been looking to adopt a pet, there are multiple options out there: birds, fish, cats, dogs, and even more. When it comes to dogs, there are many different breeds, but pitbulls are quite an excellent option that can—according to your personality and taste—outshine the others. Pitbulls are an often misunderstood breed. A lot of us know them as being fierce, fighting beasts, but the truth is that they are only taught to be that way by their owners; they are not inherently born as such. In fact, pit bulls are very sweet and loving creatures. Here are five reasons why you should look into adopting a pitbull. 

1. Pitbulls are very friendly with people and absolutely love to be with humans. In fact, pitbulls are very affectionate, especially towards humans. They will be delighted to see you as soon as you get home from work or school, and will wag their tail happily once they know that you are officially at your house. Expect a smooch or two as well when they see you again! 

2. If you are looking for a dog that can entertain, a pitbull is the pup for you. Pitbulls are known for being playful and love to make their owners laugh. This entertaining quality stays up until their elderly years. 

3. Pitbulls are the best at cuddling. If you have ever wished that you had a real-life teddy bear (only one that is a little larger), then a pitbull is the answer for your pet-decision process. Pitbulls love to lay with you on the couch or on your bed. 

4. Pitbulls are great with children. They are strong and have a very high tolerance for pain, which is why they are good with children. This might sound strange, but sometimes children can unknowingly hurt animals (since they simply do not know any better) but pitbulls can handle it. Plus, they love humans anyway, so they are willing to rough it up once in a while. 

5. If you are athletic, you will be overjoyed to find out that pitbulls are very motivated dogs. They can inspire you to go out and engage in your daily exercise techniques, helping you to get through your rigorous routine. 

These are only five out of at least a million reasons to adopt a pitbull. If you find pitbulls for sale around your area, then it would be a great idea to adopt one, especially if any of these five reasons appeal to you.

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